“School up – far west” on the home straight, but not yet finished

Drawing lessons in the new school of Rama in western Nepal
We draw our new school

“With your generous support, we have been able to significantly improve the educational environment for over 300 children in our school making it a cornerstone in our community,” says a delighted Gorkha Bahadur Shahi, Chairman of the School Management Committee in the village of Rama in Humla District in the far west of Nepal.

With your donations for “School up – far west”, Nepalhilfe Beilngries constructed two school buildings, a kitchen block and separate toilets for boys and girls. The German aid organization also ensured that the school received furniture and was supplied with drinking water. At my request, pupils from Rama drew their new school. You can see their pictures here:

Breaking the vicious circle of poverty

Lesson break at the school in Rama
Lesson break at the school in Rama

What the school construction means for the people in Rama and the surrounding hamlets of the rural municipality of Tanjakot can be appreciated when you read how the school management committee describes the general situation in the region: “It is a very remote and backward district in Nepal. People are used to migrating to India or Taklatot – a place in Tibet – to work. Due to the low agricultural production, the inhabitants of the community are threatened by hunger and are stuck in a vicious circle of poverty. Under these circumstances, parents are often unwilling to send their children to school to give them a better future. This means that the education they receive is not satisfactory.” The new school, which was handed over to the community at the beginning of April, gives the people of Rama hope of breaking the vicious circle of poverty.

Money for a paved schoolyard, playground and volleyball court

“School up – far west” is on the home straight, but not yet finished. I founded the project two years ago and top Austrian mountaineer Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner has been supporting it since the first few months. We are still collecting money so that the schoolyard can be paved and fenced in. There are also plans for a playground for the youngest children and a volleyball court for the older pupils. Here is the account details once again:

Recipient: Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V..
Bank: Volksbank Bayern Mitte eG/Germany
IBAN: DE05 7216 0818 0004 6227 07
Intended purpose: School up – far west

Money is still needed for the school’s outdoor facilities

Every euro goes to the project. I would like to thank you once again – also on behalf of Gerlinde, Nepalhilfe Beilngries and above all the people in Tanjakot – for your donations. You are great. Or to quote Gorkha Bahadur Shahi from the School Management Committee: “You are always in our hearts.” 🙏

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